A domino is a small, flat, rectangular block that can be used as a gaming object. Like playing cards, of which they are a variant, dominoes bear identifying marks on one side and are blank or identically patterned on the other side.
Dominoes can be stacked on end and knocked over to create intricate patterns that look impressive when they are displayed. They also inspired the idea of the domino effect, which is when one action inevitably causes others.
The domino effect applies to writing as well. When you think of every plot beat in a novel as a domino, it becomes easier to see how one action leads to a series of events.
Using the domino concept in writing isn’t just an effective way to make your story more interesting; it can also improve your writing by keeping you focused on what matters most.
This is one of the most important lessons I try to impart when teaching editing and book design clients. Whether you’re an experienced author or just starting out, it’s crucial to understand that a good plot starts with a simple question: What happens next?
It’s also crucial to recognize that each plot beat must come from somewhere. Your character must have a reason for doing something, or they won’t be motivated to take action in the first place.
In addition, a good plot must have an underlying emotional or psychological component to it, as well. The most powerful stories are those that allow the reader to empathize with their protagonists’ experiences.
The domino effect also inspires the concept of personal strategy, which is when you focus your energy on one activity that will help you move your other interests forward. As a result, you’re able to make progress on those projects that are more important.
For example, if you’re an editor and you’ve been working on a certain client’s manuscript, it’s often helpful to shift your focus to another project that is also important. This can be as simple as reworking your editing workflow, or as complex as taking on a new job at a different company.
This can be a difficult and time-consuming task, especially if you’re trying to write a novel on the fly or edit a long, complicated manuscript. However, if you do this right, it’ll be much easier to find the balance between what you need to get done and what your readers want to read.
By following this guide, you can ensure that your work is always readable and that your audience is engaged with it. It also makes your content more accessible and easier to share, which will increase your chances of getting a wider audience and ultimately boost your sales.
You can also use this method to ensure that your website is up-to-date and contains relevant content. The best practice is to regularly update your website with new posts that will keep your readers engaged and interested in what you have to offer.